Physical Therapy for Diastasis Recti Serving Women of Yardley, PA
Conveniently located off of 332 in Newtown, PA. 12 minutes from Yardley Borough
What is diastasis recti abdominus (DRA)?
Diastasis Recti Abdominus or abdominal separation is the stretching and thinning of the tissue between the two sides of the abdominal muscles (called the linea alba).
Diastasis recti has to happen in order to make room for the growing baby and is a normal part of the end stage of pregnancy.
The severity of diastasis is graded based on how far apart the two sides of the abdominal muscles are, and how much tension or tightness is felt along the linea alba.
What are diastasis recti symptoms?
Diastasis recti can cause a bulge or doming appearance at the middle of the abdomen especially during challenging core exercises.
Many patients with diastasis recti worry that they “still look pregnant”. Diastasis recti can result in weakness in the core which can then cause discomfort in the back, or symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.
By about 6 weeks postpartum, we expect the abdominal separation to begin to improve. Significant improvements in the diastasis typically occur in the first year postpartum.
What are diastasis recti treatments?
Treatment for diastasis includes physical therapy. The goal of diastasis recti physical therapy is to address core muscle weakness and improve tension and strength of the linea alba.
Physical therapists that specialize in diastasis recti provide hand-on manual treatments, individualized exercises and discuss lifestyle modifications in order to reduce abdominal pressure that could be contributing to your diastasis recti.
Treatment for diastasis should address all of the factors that are contributing to it, including core weakness, posture and joint mobility restrictions. Please note that not all physical therapists are trained to treat diastasis recti.
What would treatment for diastasis recti look like at Vivid?
Diastasis recti is one of the top diagnoses that we treat at Vivid. Our team of therapists have high level training in diastasis treatment and utilize state of the art equipment like real-time ultrasound.
At Vivid Women’s Health your Doctor of Physical Therapy will:
Find any postural concerns and other weaknesses that are contributing to your diastasis.
Perform functional movements that are important to you and your active life.
Devote a full hour, one-on-one to you.
Treat you with compassion in a private, stress free environment.
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