Vivid Women's Health Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy - Newtown, PA

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Postpartum Back Pain Treatment

Discover causes of postpartum back pain and effective treatments for managing it.

Back pain is very common during and after pregnancy. One of the top concerns that we as pelvic floor physical therapists see is postpartum back pain. Postpartum back pain treatment managed by a pelvic floor physical therapist is extremely effective. In order to understand what postpartum back pain treatment looks like, we first must understand why the back pain is there in the first place.

During pregnancy, our posture and the way we walk changes. I think we can all agree that we all start waddling a little more the more our pregnancy progresses. These posture and movement changes have a significant effect on the way that our muscles lay and how they contract and relax. 

Many muscles that sit in our back, hips, and around our pelvis change. As a result of hormones, our pelvis begins to widen which places more stress on the muscles that attach around it. When these muscles have more stress through them, they can often cause pain.

Once we deliver our baby, the muscles don’t just go back to normal. Our body has developed different movement patterns and postures as a result of pregnancy and that doesn’t just go back to your pre-pregnancy body once the baby is delivered. In addition, the postures that we adapt in order to now care for our baby often just make the problem worse. 

Proper postpartum back pain treatment first takes a look at the postures and movements that your body likes to fall into. A pelvic floor physical therapist will assess how you are moving and through hands on treatments and exercises, can help you reverse the postures and movements that you developed during pregnancy.

In addition, postpartum back pain treatment also needs to consider things like method of delivery. A C-section scar affects how the core functions. When the core function is disrupted, back pain can worsen. Therefore, postpartum back pain treatment for those that underwent a C-section will include hands on treatments and exercises directed at the C-section scar.

Lastly, postpartum back pain treatment needs to include assessment and treatment directed at any weaknesses that have developed as a result of pregnancy. Often, these weaknesses and poor muscle recruitment comes from the core and pelvic floor musculature. A specialty trained pelvic floor physical therapist can help you figure out what muscles are weak and those that you might be having trouble coordinating. She can then give specific exercises targeted at improving how those muscles function. 

These weaknesses will differ person to person, so a more individualized or one-on-one approach is key. While online programs might seem like all you need, each person’s weaknesses, postures, and goals are a little different so individualized postpartum back pain treatment with a skilled pelvic floor physical therapist is key.

At Vivid, we offer both in person and virtual treatment options for postpartum recovery. To get started with postpartum back pain treatment, click here